
General usage
MagTek Test App - downloading and testing your device
We can test if the terminal is being recognized by the device it is being paired with by installing the test application from the mobile application s...
Initial refund period
Due to the way RosswarePay  currently  processes refunds, participating businesses have a 180 day period after boarding during which they may process ...
MerchantTrack guide
MerchantTrack is a reporting tool you can use to see lots of great detail about your RosswarePay activity. You can access MerchantTrack from within th...
Receiving payments via Online Bill-Pay
Invitations may be created in either of two ServiceDesk contexts. In either case, you'll be presented with a dialog via which you'll inform the system...
RosswarePay Funds Reconciliation
RosswarePay users can reconcile individual transactions and batched deposits for funds journal transactions in ServiceDesk against the RosswarePay Mer...
RosswarePay setup
Before doing anything else, ensure that you have completed the  RosswarePay enrollment  process and have been boarded to use RosswarePay. If you have ...
SecurityMetrics PCI Compliance
Resources for PCI Compliance information. For information on how SecurityMetrics PCI Compliance works, please see the attached file named: For Merchan...
When using the expression “stored-card-information,” we mean a system that allows you to obtain complete card information from a customer just once an...