ServiceDesk 4.8.270 Update 12/14/22


New RosswarePay Cloud-Reader Functionality

As you hopefully know, for some months Rossware has offered a new and improved payments platform under its own name.

It's called RosswarePay.

We managed to roll this out, first, for use in the Apple and Android versions of SD-Mobile. Then, in September of this year (see entry here), we added base-level functionality in our Windows products, including ServiceDesk, the Windows version of SD-Mobile and SD-RevenueBuilder.

That base-level functionality consisted of integration with:

  • Online bill pay;

  • Keyed transactions; and

  • Reader-based transactions (in particular via USB-connected devices which can read cards via swipe, EMV insertion, contactless card tap, Apple-Pay or Android-Pay

Now we offer a new channel of reader-based transactions: specifically, you may now use a new-fangled variety of card-readers that are called "cloud readers."

What is a cloud-reader?

In a nutshell, a cloud-reader device requires no connection to the platform (computer, virtual desktop, iPad or smartphone) that is requesting a transaction. Instead, via any connected WiFi signal, it simply employs its own, independent internet communication.

Thus, via a RosswarePay-configured Virtual-Terminal that's running in your platform (again, from within SD-Mobile, ServiceDesk, etc.), you make a request for any transaction per normal -- in other words, just like if you were using a connected card-reader. The RosswarePay-configured Virtual Terminal conveys this request to systems on the internet that, in turn, "talk" to the cloud-reader device. The device then takes card information from the customer (via swipe, EMV insertion, contactless, Apple-Pay or Android-Pay), runs the transaction, and conveys information back via the internet. The RosswarePay-configured Virtual Terminal receives this information back, and processes accordingly.

It's very sweet.

One advantage is there is never a need to "pair" a card-reader with the platform you're operating in. In fact, there is not even (technically) any need for physical proximity. So long as both your platform and the device are talking to the internet, it's all you need.

Importantly (and perhaps most significantly), this also means an instant and complete end to any and all complications when you're operating in a terminal-services/virtual-desktop environment (e.g., with a Rossware Cloud Server). Since cloud-readers divorce themselves from any need for platform connection, there is no longer even a potential for issues in such regard.

New RosswarePay Refund/Credit Functionality

The ability, via a card-based transaction, to transfer money to a card-account (as opposed to pulling money from a card account) is something the card industry is generally moving against. Consistent with this, Rossware's parent company normally limits this kind of transaction to access via your online MerchantLink interface. In result, to credit money to a customer's card, we'd initially made it so you could not do it via the Virtual Terminal, and would instead need to login on your Rossware merchant account, and do it via the online interface.

Some users were quite adamant in not liking this limitation, and wanting it otherwise.

We listened.

In particular, we persuaded our parent company to let us offer the refund/credit path directly via the RosswarePay-configured Virtual Terminals.

So, whereas previously you could not run credits directly in a RosswarePay-configured Virtual Terminal, now you may absolutely do so.

Coming Soon in RosswarePay

  • Charge via tokens (this is where RosswarePay saves your customer's card information for you, in a secure and encrypted location; you can run charges against that saved information without ever otherwise having direct access to it).

  • Assisted daily reconciliation.

  • Ability to include tips

  • Ability to include a service fee, to cover your merchant discount cost

  • Ability to direct-deposit checks by snapping images with smartphone