ServiceDesk 4.6.4 Update 05/07/12


Beefed Up "Result on Dispatches" Report

Four months ago we introduced a new report (see notes accompanying Rel. 4.5.67).  Many call it the "FCC" (First Call Completions) report.  For all appointments as dispatched during a period, it shows whether the job was: (a) completed; (b) parts were ordered; (c) it was a customer no-show; or (d) there was some other disposition.  It breaks down such values by tech, and shows totals for the team as a whole.  It further segregates between appointments that involved a first visit, versus appointments that did not, and provides aggregates for all appointments as a whole. 

This release enlarges on the above. 

Specifically, besides providing breakdowns on these figures by technician, it segregates between in-warranty and out-of-warranty.  It segregates between OEM-warranty High-Volume-Clients and non-OEM-warranty High-Volume-Clients.  It segregates between any-and-all third-party-bill jobs, versus non-bill jobs.  Then, it provides breakdown figures by each and every particular HVC, then by Make, and finally by Type of machine being serviced. 

If all the above segregations are not sufficient to your analytical desire, the accompanying Check-Data export provides all the specific data as needed, should you wish to do any further segregations (or cross-segregations) on your own.