ServiceDesk 4.6.40 Update 10/03/12


Option to Include Consumer's Email Address in Claims

Recently, ServiceBench provided a new claim-upload format that accommodates several new fields (see notes accompanying Rel. 4.6.15).  Among these is one for the consumer's email address.  In conjunction with this, SD's on-screen NARDA was re-configured with a number of new boxes, to accommodate the new fields, including one for the consumer email address.  Claim-upload mechanisms were similarly changed so that, if you have text in that new email box, it is appropriately uploaded to ServiceBench as an inclusion within your claim. 

But there is something we did not do. 

Specifically, we did not make it so the consumer's email address would automatically pull from the underlying JobRecord, and auto-fill for you to this new box in the on-screen NARDA. 

The reason we did not is we'd prior heard from some servicers that they were reluctant to share email addresses, as collected by them, with manufacturers.   

Recently we had a request from some other servicers to accommodate this auto-filling (one or more manufacturers, evidently, were pressuring them to provide such data).  So, to accommodate both those who wish to provide the information -- and simultaneously those who do not -- we have now made the email-to-NARDA auto-fill function available, but optional. 

In fact, we've done a little better than making it a mere blanket option.  You can pick the particular underlying clients for whom you want the auto-fill, and have it for them, but not for others. 

The option is via a new checkbox in the QuickEntryTemplate as applicable to each QET client:

Very simply, the email-address-auto-fill will occur for those clients where you've checked this box, and will not for those where you have not checked it.  It defaults to un-checked, so be to sure to go in and check it (for the underlying manufacturer for whom needed) if you desire the auto-fill. 

AttnNotes Now Included in Emailed Job Summary

When you're in the DispatchMap and you click on a tech's name at the job of his list of jobs, you get a plethora of choices, regarding actions you might wish to perform in regard to that list.  Among those options is to send a summary of all the jobs via email:

Until now, that particular production did not include AttnNotes (aka "SkickyNotes") from the underlying JobRecords.  Now