ServiceDesk 4.7.110 Updat 05/20/15


New Integrations with External Mapping Tools (Open-Route-in-Bing and Optimize-Sequence-via-Google)

At Rossware, we are continually striving to reach an elusive target: providing the most perfect-possible system for every user.  Even in a static world, this would be a tough goal to fully reach.  But it's tougher still because the world is not static.  Suppose, against all odds, on one magic day we actually achieved our goal.  The next day, we'd again be short, because overnight the world would have changed. 

Everyone of you, our users, is continually facing new sets of operating dynamics as significant to your business.  The computing environment is likewise (and in and of itself) constantly changing (new operating systems, new communication modes, etc.), and the set of potentially connecting tools and entities (to which our systems can interrelate and otherwise integrate) are changing too. 

In particular regard to new capabilities as offered in this release, we've long had two external-map-utility integrations that many were enjoying, when suddenly both became less available (or at least less useful) than before. 

First, we've long had a method where ServiceDesk will compile the list of stops that you have planned for a technician on any given day, and direct-pass to MapPoint's routing optimization engine.  MapPoint churns through the set of addresses.  Accounting for road layouts and even traffic patterns, it deduces a sequence of stops that will minimize driving time.  It spits the result back, and ServiceDesk sequences the tech's stops accordingly.  Many have loved this feature, in spite of the fact that, to use it, you must purchase and install MapPoint.  Sadly, as of January this year that purchase was no longer an option.  Microsoft stopped selling MapPoint. 

Second, many have likewise enjoyed using the feature where, by simple action in the DispatchMap, you may open a technician's route in either MapPoint or in GoogleMaps.  More have enjoyed the latter because GoogleMaps is free, and is available absent any separate install.  About a year ago, however, GoogleMaps changed its interface to one that most of our users found less helpful for multi-stop route-analysis (often the reaction was to blame us here at Rossware for this change; honestly, we were not responsible for it).  Until very recently, there was an easy solution in that GoogleMaps would permit you to revert to their "Classic" view.  Recently, however, GoogleMaps removed that option  

So, at Rossware, we faced the conundrum where two valuable, system-integrated tools were suddenly less available (or less helpful) than before.  We needed to find new tools with which to integrate that would be, hopefully, as good or better than the old ones.  In this release, we have done precisely that. 

In regard to using an automated routing-sequence-optimization engine, we found a superb MapPoint replacement in an online service provided by Google.  At least so far this service is free (which is obviously better than MapPoint), and it even returns its optimized solutions more quickly than does MapPoint. 

In regard to opening a technician's route in an online mapping resource that has the same benefits as the old GoogleMaps, we found a superb replacement in Bing Maps. 

To give you easy access to these new options, we also had to modify the applicable menu and Key-Mouse paths. 

For automated routing-sequence-optimization, you may continue to use the same Key-Mouse action as was formerly dedicated solely to MapPoint optimization.  That action is still (but now somewhat differently) described in the DispatchMap's CheatSheet:

Old Description from DispatchMap CheatSheetNew Description of Path (right-click in any non-functional spot of the DispatchMap to get this CheatSheet)

Since this Key-Mouse action now gives you multiple options (we have retained the old options for those who still wish to use them), instead of immediately doing the optimization via MapPoint, as before, it will now take you to a new, "Link-to-External-Map-Resources" options list, where you may pick the particular action desired:

If wanting the new optimization, for example, you'd pick "G" from the above.  If wanting the old MapPoint optimization, you'd pick "M."

The old path for opening a tech's route in an external map was by clicking on a tech's name at the top of his list, then picking from what was beginning to become a very long list of options there.  Rather than making this particular options list even longer still (i.e., via direct addition of yet another new option), we instead removed the old and multiple "Open Route in . . . " set of options, and replaced with a single option that, like the Key-Mouse action above-described, opens that same new "Link-to-External-Map-Resources" options list: 

Old list of options as obtained when clicking on a tech's name at the top of his listThe now-simplified list of options

So, there are now two paths to this newly-expanded (and now brought together in one place) set of options.  You may use the Cheat-Sheet indicated Key-Mouse action (Shft/Ctrl-Click on either the tech's name or on any in-location-show appointment reference), or you may do a simple-click on a tech's name at the top of his list, then pick "Q" per the right-side image above.

For those who hated the change as made in GoogleMaps, we think you'll love using Bing Maps instead.  For those who loved the automated routing-sequence-optimization, we think you'll find Google's engine is very effective. 

It is ironic, perhaps, that we are now providing an alternative to Google as an online source for map-opening a tech's route, while newly embracing a different arm of Google for routing-sequence-automation.  C'est la vie!

If you are wondering, BTW, yes, the open-route-in-Bing option has indeed also been added within SD-Mobile/w (i.e., the Windows version).  We'll also add it to SD-Mobile/i (that's the iPad version) as soon as we are able.