ServiceDesk 4.8.9 Update 10/17/16


Updated Zone-Scheduler Handbook

Embarrassed to discover this handbook had never been updated to include description (and instructions on how to use) two major augmentations (flowing-pipes and intelligence-augmented-holdbacks).  That is now corrected.  The handbook may be conveniently accessed via this button:

up in the top-right corner if ServiceDesk's ZonePlanner form (Shift-F5 is the shortcut).

Right-Click to Open ThisCompanyBulletinBoard.rtf

That cool Bulletin-Board feature that we announced with release of Ver.4.7.130? 

Well, by it's nature the content of that Board is something you might want to change with some frequency.  So, it should be more convenient than having to manually navigate in your system to find the underlying file.

It should be more convenient, and now it is.  Just right-click in the Bulletin Board, and the underlying file will automatically open, ready for editing. 

The EmailedDispatchReceiver (EDR) Can Now Process for First-American

If you don't know, this utility automates reception of dispatches from a number of entities who send their dispatches via email, e.g., AHS, Old Republic, Fidelity National Home Warranty (also formerly did Warrantech and NEW via such means when they still depended on emails).  For years, many people asked us to add First American into the capabilities list.  But there was a big impediment.  First American sends their dispatches in a PDF document that shows only an image of the dispatch text, rather than presenting the dispatch as text itself.   It's much tougher to parse text from an image. 

Regardless, we finally cracked that nut.  Now the EDR can do First American too. 

Multi-Select Now Available in SD-Mail

Many folks don't know about Windows multi-select.  Obviously, when you mouse-click on an item in Windows if becomes selected.  For example, you click on an item to select it and hit Delete on your keyboard to delete.  You can click down on an item and drag some place else to move it.  All this is great, but what if you want to do the same action to multiple items at once?

That's where Windows multi-select comes in.  It's very simple.  If you already have one or more items selected and you want add another particular item (or remove an item from what's already selected), simply to a Ctrl-Click on that.  If you want to select a whole range of items, click on the first to select it, then do a Shift-Click on the last. 

It's that simple. 

Now that you know what multi-select is, you can know what is the meaning of this improvement.  You can now do multi-select in your list of SD-Mails:

If you want to delete a bunch of items, for example, select all the ones you want to delete, then click on the Discard button (much faster than doing each individually). 

Option to Email Payroll Reports

Historically, payroll and commission reports have been viewable on-screen, or printable.  Now you can email them as well.