ServiceDesk 4.8.22 Update 03/24/17


Enhanced Comprehensive Searches

In the last release we announced addition of a new "comprehensive" search option in the current- and archived-JobRecords.  What we mean by "comprehensive" is the system will search for all text everywhere, within each JobRecord, for a match to whatever is your search target.  In other words, it will simultaneously look in the name fields, address fields, telephone number fields, description of symptoms, narrative histories, ExtraNotes and MoreInfo, etc.

For reminder, this comprehensive search is invoked by use of the Windows-universal search command: Ctrl-F ("F" is for "Find").  If you do this from within an archived-JobRecord, the system assumes it's within archived JobRecords that you wish to search.  If you do it from within a current-JobRecord, the system assumes in a parallel manner, but, absent finding any match, offers to automatically extend your search into the archive. 

As great as was this addition in its own right, it lacked something.  That something was already present in the similar comprehensive search that exists in current-Callsheets (invoked via the same Windows-universal Ctrl-F when in a current Callsheet).  It is simply this:

When ServiceDesk finds an item that includes a match to your target, it does more than simply display that particular item (Callsheet or JobRecord).  It likewise highlights within that object the particular text that's the match to your target.  That way your eye can readily see it. 

It's much better this way.  Try it; you'll see. 

BTW, this improvement was also applied in archived-Callsheets (formerly, it was only current-Callsheets that had the feature), so it now applies in all comprehensive-search contexts. 

Print for "All-Techs" New Option in PartsPick Form

The PartsPick form (Shift/Crtl-F8) was designed with intent that the person in your office who's responsible for moving parts to and from the techs can use the interface live, likely via a tablet, as he she pulls parts from the shelves for each tech, retrieves items back from the tech's return basket, etc.  Regardless, because a number of people still like paper, there's long been an option to print for each tech the list of items that should be moved to and fro.  But this printing was done individually for each.  In other words, you select the tech then pick to print.  If you have a lot of techs and want a printout for each, the process could be tedious. 

Now the same button that's been used to print for each tech (in the bottom-right corner of the form) behaves a little differently.  If you have no tech selected and click on the button, it will assume you want to print for all techs, and act accordingly.  If you have a particular tech selected, it will present this dialog:

So, it's pretty simple to get whichever result you want. 

Items Anticipated for Future-Scheduled-Use Now Show for Retrieval in PartsPick Form

Your tech was out on a job with one or more special-ordered (or spec-tagged) parts.  For whatever reason, he did not use one or more such parts.  However, the job is not done; he is scheduled to go back on another visit, and he still anticipates using such parts on his next visit.  Should the system prompt for you to retrieve such particular parts back from him?

Until now, the system did not so prompt.  Now it does.  It however prompts in a special color for the circumstance (grey) to bring notice to the fact that, depending on your preference, you may or may not want to insist on getting such parts back at such time.