ServiceDesk 4.8.30 Update 07/19/17


Default-Restored to Continuously Chime when Indicating Un-Read SD-Mails, But with New Option to Single-Chime

Two updates back we were pleased to announce that we'd removed the super-annoying constant chiming that occurs when the system is urging you to view an un-read SD-Mail item.  We changed it so that instead the system gives you a single chime. 

Wouldn't you know it.  We received calls from a number of users who want the constant chiming back. 

So, it's back. 

However, there is also an option (if such is your preference) to go to the single-chime method instead.   It's in the green section of the settings form (hence, it's a setting that's particular to each user) as shown here:

Thus, each user may select per preference.  

‍Mouse-Click Initiate-Communication-With-Tech Options

We have "jillions" of features to facilitate automated and semi-automated communication, whether it's between you and your customers or between and among staff persons within your business.  In particular (for communication between staff persons) we have both SD-Mobile (which automatically communicates standard job info outward to the techs and standard performance/completion info back to the office) and the SD-Mail system (among other tools).   

Regardless, even if wanting to send a particular tech an SD-Mail, more than a single click (or keyboard stroke) is required.  First, you're going to find the SD-Mail function in the general menu (via multiple mouse clicks) or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-F12).  Then, you'll either pick the tech of interest (via another mouse click) or you'll type-in his two-character abbreviation. 

Suppose you're already looking at the tech's listing (i.e., the one you want to contact) within the DispatchMap, in the Settings form, or in the Create-Job/Sale form.  And/or suppose that, instead of sending him an SD-Mail, you want to call him, send him a text-message or, perhaps, a standard, internet-based email. 

It's for these kinds of interests that our new feature (suggested by Michael Basich, of Michaelson's Appliance in Tampa, FL) was created.  

From any of the above-identified contexts, you may now do Shift/Click on a tech's name, and you'll see something like this:

Just pick the option that interests you, and, instantly, you'll find yourself in a mode to proceed straightforwardly in the indicated task (if picking the "Telephone call" option, the system auto-dials the tech's number for you). 

In regard to the telephone number that's used for auto-dialing (or text-messaging), there is a corresponding little change we've made that here bears description. 

Prior to now, if you click on a tech's name in your listing of technicians in the Settings form (Ctrl-F1 is the shortcut), and then see the Technician Properties window as applicable to that tech, you would fail to find any box as provided for you to indicate the tech's telephone number.  

You would, however, see a box provided for you to indicate the tech's Pager Number. 

Yes, that's right: his "Pager Number!"

That is, perhaps, an indication of how far back Rossware systems were providing automation. 

But of course today there is virtually no one that is still using pagers.  In particular, we don't believe a single Rossware client is now using them as a means to contact their technicians. 

Hence, we have changed the box that formerly was indicated for provision of a tech's Pager Number.  It's now intended for use of indicating his Telephone Number (probably his cell number). 

It is this number that will be used by the system, if you pick the option (as above described) to initiate a telephone call to an applicable tech, or to text-messsage (this particular change, BTW, was suggested by JD at Guinco in Fort Worth, TX).  

Default Own-Company Selection in Rolodex

Do you use SD's Rolodex (keyboard shortcut if F4) as the place to keep track of contact info (telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.) for your own personnel.  

That's precisely what we do here at Rossware.  Even though we are not a service-call performing company (obviously), we nevertheless use a couple of elements within ServiceDesk for our own operation.  We use the Callsheets, for example.  And we use the Rolodex. 

In fact, though we have many companies and persons listed in our Rolodex, I noticed that most of the times when I go there looking for a listing it's for a person in my own operation.  It thus was beginning to seem a little annoying when I must scroll to find the company listing of Rossware Computing, Inc., and then find the person of interest as a sub-category.  Hence, the new feature. 

If a company listing in the Rolodex is structured with the company name as a precise match for what you see (as your company name) in the ServiceDesk About form (keyboard shortcut is Shift-Ctrl/A), ServiceDesk will now default-select  that company when the Rolodex first displays.