ServiceDesk 4.8.35 Update 10/26/17


Dramatically Enhanced Performance in Many Operations

As databases grow larger, methods that once worked well sometimes no longer do.  In particular regard to archived-PartsProcess records, some of our larger and very-long-term clients have accumulated hundreds of thousands of records.  In a number of ServiceDesk functions, these very large files were resulting in unacceptable compromise.  In particular, operations were either taking much too long or were searching less deeply into applicable history than would otherwise be optimum. 

The problem is now solved. 

To give you some idea of how bad was the issue and how effective is the solution, a particular client reported that one report was taking nine hours to complete

Yes, that's very terrible. 

With the new solution deployed, that same report now completes in seven minutes. (Yes, seven minutes is still a long time; however, it's an extraordinarily comprehensive report, and running it is not part of any ordinary daily operation.) 

Even more happily, you'll find many ordinary and routine operations (indeed, the majority of any such operations that might have formerly consumed a second or two or three) are now dramatically faster.  This is particularly and absolutely true for any operation that was slow because you have a large quantity of archived-PartsProcess records.  All such operations will now search not only quickly, but also exhaustively (i.e., within the entire database).    

SB-DispatchLink Now Explicitly Accommodates Multiple Instances

It's a funny industry.  For some time, AIG and Assurant have both been sending dispatches via ServicePower.  More recently, both began sending some of their dispatches via ServiceBench as well.  It makes for a somewhat messy situation

Regardless, we have you covered. 

As one needed element to address, there are now QET designations covering both of these entities in each brand of clothing (i.e., as connected to a ServicePower dispatch, and as connected to a ServiceBench dispatch). 

As another complication, we needed to deal with the fact some servicers are now finding themselves in a situation where one or more third-party-administrator clients cannot be managed under a single ServiceBench account (thus, you end up needing to have more than one ServiceBench account).  Since each instance of SB-DispatchLink has a single account designation, the only way to effectively accommodate this is by running a different instance for each such account.  This could be troublesome if you wanted each such instance to run from the same desktop, because each would save (and read) its settings from the same location. 

We've now solved this issue.  Instruction on how to use the solution is provided here.  (There is also a new button in the SB-DispatchLink utility itself, that will open the instruction for you.  Plan to use it in the future, as a more convenient place to get the instruction, as compared to coming back to here.)

The same solution works, BTW, in the EmailedDispatchReciever utility (another place where we found users needing to run with multiple simultaneous instances). 

Four Very Big Items

These items are being described in detail in an email blast that will go out shortly.  For completeness here, we'll just briefly mention them. 

  • We again have a super competent in-house iOS developer, so development of Apple-side products (in particular and especially the iPad version of SD-Mobile) will again be proceeding at a good pace. 

  • New and awesome method to drive a large quantity of very positive online reviews (e.g., Yelp, Google Reviews, etc.) regarding your company (read beginning at Page 14 in the CyberOffice handbook for details).

  • Browser-based triaging center.  It's done via a new website:  It should automatically work superbly for you, so long as you are using SD-Mobile. 

  • This one is the biggest!  You can now be a referrer via which your COD customers may potentially subscribe to Warrantech month-to-month service contracts.  You get a portion of every month's payment premium, and many other benefits.  Click here to learn more

Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements

At the NASC convention classes in Virginia, as always happens, we catalogued several requests for tweaks, additions and fixes (and thank you again Michael Basich for again keeping notes and compiling a list for me).  Among other completions done from that list (several others are in SD-Mobile):

A fault in the new Inventory Deployments report is fixed.

Difficulty in deleting telephone numbers from the Rolodex is fixed.

System now informs of no match when linking to A/Rs from a JobRecord. 

Improved tooltips in a number of places. 

Made internal coding for G.E. claims (as made to ServicePower) automatically insert the needed Repair Code (i.e., as applicable whether it's a sealed-system versus normal repair).  

Beyond this work, also responded to numerous email-forwarded error messages, to address any such weaknesses as allowed errors to arise.  When working with one  particular such item, discovered and fixed a systemic weakness in regard to how the system was managing multiple simultaneous instances of the F10 Inventory Control form. 

New Instruction Document on Setting Up for the Auto-Dialer

Auto-dialing is a wonderful feature.  Virtually any place that you see at telephone number in ServiceDesk, right-click or double-click and -- bada-bing, bada-boom -- ServiceDesk connects to your phone system and dials for you. 

Most people are not using this wonderful feature.  The main impediment has been in knowing how to set it up.  So, we made an instruction document (click here). 

As you'll by reading this short document, setup positively should be very simple.  Check it out.