ServiceDesk 4.8.63 Update 06/14/18


Better Coping With ServiceBench Dispatches Wrongly Coming in as COD

Getting perfect data via automated dispatch reception is always a challenge. With ServiceBench, ServicePower and all representing multiple third-parties (which each themselves have different ways of doing things generally, and specifically further in regard to multiple programs of their own), the dispatch data that comes from these "middle-man" actors varies enormously in regard to how different fields are configured in different situations. Often the data is not what it should be. We try, regardless, to have each of our applicable automation utilities coded in a manner that adapts with as much IQ as is possible, so as to cope with the different situations, and to ultimately present you with data in a Callsheet that is as good as it can possibly be.

Recently the challenge was increased when a particular OEM started sending all dispatches via ServiceBench in a manner that is directly flagged to claim COD is the expected payment situation, even though most are still actually in-warranty situations. When a large quantity of dispatches are configured in Callsheets as COD (and yet in reality must be treated as in-warranty), it can create significant extra work and frustration for you.

For that reason, the present release of ServiceBench-DispatchLink (SBDL Ver. 5.0.13) is configured, at least generally, to look at the purchase date and to figure a dispatch is in-warranty if the purchase date is less than a year ago (if there is language indicating it's a cosmetic situation, it will figure the threshold at 30 days instead). Indeed, for Whirlpool family product, SBDL will even deduce a purchase date based on serial number, if none is otherwise provided.

Additionally, the current release of ServiceDesk (SD Ver. 4.8.63) is configured to provide what you may call an "Enhanced Flip-Flop." 

How it works is, if you start from a JobRecord that is configured as COD and choose to do a QET insertion, ServiceDesk will now offer to manage the entire “flip” for you, rearranging all fields everywhere as they would have been if the item had originally been configured by SBDL as in-warranty. 

There is also an enhanced flip-flop for the reverse situation.  In particular, if you choose to flip-flop (Alt-F) from a Callsheet or JobRecord that is configured with a third-party-payer setup, the system will offer to manage in enhanced-mode so that, instead of simply swapping fields, it manages fields as appropriate to the full conversion into COD status.