ServiceDesk 4.8.152 Update 03/26/20


New Feature for Coping with COVID-19 Crisis

When a particular OEM (okay, it was Whirlpool) requested that its servicers query each customer on a series of virus-related questions before sending out a tech, that same OEM requested that servicers provide information back, verifying that the query was conducted and informing as to what were the answers.  

The OEM did not explicitly indicate how this info should be provided back.  

One of our clients (okay, it was Tony Lott of Appliance Express) had a good idea.  His idea was: (a) if you use the MyCriteria system to facilitate posing the query to each customer; and (b) if ServiceDesk documents the answers in a JobRecord's narrative history; and (c) if you have the option turned on in SB-DispatchLink to upload all of your JobRecord historical notes -- if all that is true, then Whirlpool will automatically be provided with such information through those notes.  

The only element that was not already available was (b) from above (i.e., for ServiceDesk to document as needed to any applicable narrative JobHistory).  That has been added in this release.  

One note, in such regard: it only works from a JobRecord.  Therefore, to get the insertion, the MyCriteria query must be conducted from that context rather than from a Callsheet.  

What ServiceDesk does, after the MyCriteria session is conducted, is looks to see if the MyCriteria setup included one or more radio-button queries where the text "COVID-19" is part of the querying text.  If yes, it inserts an entry into the narrative history indicating the answers to all radio-button queries that are part of the setup.  The insertion will look something like this:

"3/26/20 10:25 GR: COVID-19 query produced responses: Q1=No, Q2=No, Q3=Yes, Q4=Yes"

An email blast that I sent two days ago had some helpful links on this topic, including:

Since I sent out that email blast, another great idea has come to the fore (thanks to Jeff Miceli at Appliance Tec).  It's to send a mass email (and/or text message) via the custom-template system (applicable links here, here and here) to all customers on the day before their appointments.  This email is designed to assure the customer of precautions you are taking, while simultaneously requesting precautions from the customer.  With Jeff's permission, I link here to a copy of his excellent email template, which you may either use directly or adapt from.