ServiceDesk 4.5.34 Update 08/29/11


New Parts-Acquisitions Report

By popular demand, the archived-PartsProcess form (Ctrl-F8) has a new report.  Here is where you request it:


And here is what the actual report generally looks like:

In short, it's a summary, itemized by vendor, of everything you purchased over a specified period of time.  Like its cousin Ctrl-F8 reports, when this one displays there are buttons to the side that allow you either to print the results, or to open an underlying Excel file that contains the underlying, item-by-item records on which the report is based.  If you've had a need for something like this, we think you'll love it.  

Improved Claims-Handling for Panasonic

One of our CE (consumer electronics) clients recently brought to my attention that the system was doing a poor job with the particular needs as involved with transmitting Panasonic claims to ServiceBench.  Three particular needs were expressed:

1.    Some Panasonic claims involve the need for a special (otherwise non-standard) WarrantyType designations.  This is a field-value that most often indicates whether the claim is Parts-Only, Labor-Only or Both, and ServiceDesk has heretofore handled those distinctions implicitly (i.e., behind-the-scenes, without you needing to worry about it).  For this Panasonic need, however, we needed to make a method for the a Panasonic servicer to set it explicitly.  That need is met via a new box in the on-screen NARDA:

Please note this new box will self-populate with the same value as would have always been implicitly-deduced on your behalf (i.e., behind-the-scenes, within the system).  We're simply making that deduction visible now, and providing a place where you can manually change it, if wanted/needed.  Please note, in such regard, the system internally re-calculates what's normally-appropriate in this box anytime the total-tallies in the form change (i.e., if parts were added or taken away, labor added or taken away, etc.) -- so, if you need to set it manually, do so after the other items have all been setup. 

2.    Panasonic needs a CaseNumber in each claim (which is pulled at the SB end from their claims-transmission Other Item2 Code).  We are accommodating this via our on-screen NARDA's Contract/Service Agreement Number box:

Please note it is a special-treament for the system to place the contents of the above-identified box into SB's Other Item2 Codefield.  It will apply only when the system sees "PANASONIC" as the underlying client on the job. 

3.    Panasonic needs round-trip-mileage in each claim (which is pulled at the SB end from their claims-transmission Other Item1 Code).  We are accommodating this via our on-screen NARDA's Miles driven box:

Again, please note it is a special-treatment (only where Panasonic is the underlying JobRecord client) for contents of this box to be placed into SB's Other Item1 Code

If you're wondering why things must be so complex, it's becase ServiceBench uses various of its claims-transmission fields differently, depending on who is their underlying client.  We have to cope with those differences from our end.  Regardless, in addition to the actual operational special-adjustments as are described above, the contextual Translation-ToolTips have also been modified to explicitly describe what's being done (and in what circumstance) with the contents from each box.