ServiceDesk 4.5.40 Update 09/14/11
Further Tweaks on POS
You might think it would be nice for me (as the President of a software company) having no bosses to answer to. Hardly. I've got at least 520 bosses. When I try to please some, I aggravate others, and vice versa. Sometimes it seems like a no-win situation. In the present case, I thought I'd engineered the new POS "command" interface in a manner that would satisfy every desire, but I was naive.
In a nutshell, I provided means (and as particular to any form type) to accommodate any combination of sub-actions as integrated with a single-click for Sale, and with either sequence of Sale-first or Sale-last. Of course (and as always), any sub-action can be individually clicked, too. But that wasn't good enough. Some people wanted a single-click option that would do a collection of selected sub-actions, but excluding (as opposed to including) the Sale. Remember that Burger King slogan ("Have it your way")? That's me. Therefore, the just-introduced new interface has gone from this:
To this:
As you can see, the "Execute Sale" button has been changed in color and moved to the right. In it's place on the left is a new "Do inclusions only" button. I believe the structure speaks for itself.