Regarding data conversions


Generally speaking, there are three potential categories of information we like to get from whatever system a client prior used, for insertion into ServiceDesk so that, on beginning a new life in ServiceDesk, there is already a context of operational data in place. Each situation varies in regard to what detail of information is available. We here describe what we consider it ideal to obtain. If we can’t obtain each item in every instance, we can usually optimize to work with whatever is available. In some instances we may likewise be able to make beneficial use of further information, not necessarily listed here.

Job History and customer information

We consider this element of conversion the most critical and beneficial, at least for such clients that have been using a computerized system and have such elements of data already existing in an electronic format. Basically, for each service job performed, we like to get the following:

  • Information about the paying party (e.g., name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.)

  • Information about the service-location party (e.g., name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.)

  • Date of the service request

  • Description of the symptoms to be addressed and/or customer request

  • Machine Type, Make, Model, Serial and Date of Purchase

  • Description of work performed so as to complete the repair

  • Name of technician who did the work

  • Date of completion

  • Total of Sale for completed repair

Parts inventory

If you have a significant inventory of parts and a reasonably accurate and detailed electronic accounting of it, it can be a great benefit if said data is imported directly into ServiceDesk for use there. If you have or can get the data into an Excel format — in particular, a format that features one line-item listing for each part — ServiceDesk has an import wizard you may, on your own accord, use to pull that data in directly yourself (F10+Ctrl-I is the keyboard shortcut to get there). If you cannot get your data into the needed Excel format, we at Rossware may be able to otherwise extract it for you. Here is a list of the kinds of fields that are useful:

  • Part number

  • Description

  • Inventory location (i.e., office storeroom, Truck-1, Truck-2, etc.)

  • Vendor from whom purchased

  • Purchase invoice number

  • Cost

  • Intended retail (i.e., sell-for price)

  • Bin location in office storage

  • Bin location in truck storage

  • Make

  • Type of machine to which applicable (e.g., washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc.)

  • Minimum quantity for office storeroom before being prompted to restock

  • Minimum quantity in truck stock before being prompted to restock

  • Notes

Serialized dealer inventory

This is obviously applicable only if, besides being a servicer, you are also a dealer (i.e., involved in selling whole appliances, or similar), if you hold a significant quantity of such inventory, if you presently have data regarding such inventory in electronic format, and if you intend to use Rossware’s SD-Dealer program to manage said inventory. If yes, here are the kinds of fields we’d like to see, for potential import into the SD-Dealer database (in particular, for each such inventory item):

  • Model number

  • Serial number

  • Other number if applicable

  • Type (i.e., washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc.)

  • Color

  • Condition (i.e., new, used, etc.)

  • Make

  • Vendor from whom acquired

  • Acquisition date

  • Acquisition cost

  • Suggested retail

  • Minimum retail

  • Flooring company (if applicable)

  • Days of free-flooring included with purchase (if applicable)

  • Location in inventory (i.e., showroom, Warehouse-1, Warehouse-2, etc.)

  • Date sold (if applicable; it there is a date sold it implies the item is no longer in inventory; otherwise the implication is that it remains in inventory)

  • Notes

Two notes regarding conversion procedure

NOTE-1: We have already-written “canned” conversion code for pulling customer info and job histories from Swiftlink, Logiserv and CDA. Ditto in regard to pulling inventory info from Swiftlink and Logiserv. Our fee for the customer-info/job-history conversion, on any of those, is $399. Our fee for the either of the two inventory conversions is $299.

For any other system that you wish to convert data from, we generally need to examine such data as you can make available to us. We’ll estimate the time required to write conversion code that’s designed to directly process that data, and provide a quote to you on that basis.

NOTE-2: In all cases, we like to do two conversions, and the single price will cover doing both.

In particular, we like to first do (preferably, as soon as possible after we first provide ServiceDesk to you) what we call a “practice conversion.” The idea is you get converted data into ServiceDesk right away, when you’re still practicing and learning, and before you’re ready to go live with use. This makes your learning and familiarization rather more effective, for you have real data in your system.

In the meantime, you’ll still be using your old system (i.e., while getting ready to use ServiceDesk), and, accordingly, you’ll still be building new data there.

That is why we also want to do a second, “working conversion.” Basically, you’ll pick a “go live” date for ServiceDesk. After you close business on the last day in your prior system, we’ll pull the present data from it, run an immediate conversion process on it, and plug back into ServiceDesk. This will replace your practice data, and make it so, the very next morning, you’ve got the latest from your old system in ServiceDesk, just as you begin your new life in the new system.

Again, our single conversion fee will cover doing both of these instances.