Dashboard password best practices


At Rossware, we work hard to keep your business and information safe. While there's a lot we can do, sometimes the most critical part of good security is a strong password. This guide will help you create one.

The best passwords are often the most random, so we've created a random password generator to help. We feel you are the most secure if you use a password created with this generator.

If, however, you would like a custom password, we suggest you follow these safe password practices:

  • Avoid using more than 2 consecutive characters as the user (login) name.

  • Use upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Use at least ten characters.

  • Spread numbers and symbols throughout the password (_ # 2 $ ) rather than (

    amp;%_ ).

  • Avoid numbers or letters in sequence (1234…, abcde…).

  • Avoid using simple words.

Dashboard password requirements

The following are the requirements for Dashboard Passwords.

  • 1 lowercase

  • 1 uppercase

  • 1 number

  • 1 special character

  • 8-16 characters long